
How to get any Bangladeshi educational institutions EIIN [Easily]

What does EIIN mean? What is the use of EIIN?

EIIN means Educational Institute Identification Number. It is an unique number for identifying individual educational institutions in Bangladesh.

Looking for a Government Primary school’s EIIN?

To get the list of individual Primary School EIIN click here. Then type the school name in the search box to find out your preferred institute.


For example, we are going to type “35NO. DAKKHIN BARABACK GOVT. PRIMARY SCHOOL” or you desired institution to find out its EIIN.


Click on the link to get EIIN and other information about “35NO. DAKKHIN BARABACK GOVT. PRIMARY SCHOOL”. individual_primary_eiin

Searching EIIN of all the Schools, Colleges, and Madrasha’s?

To see all the Schools, Colleges, and Madrasha’s EIIN numbers list Click Here.

For example, We want to get “Viqarunnisa Noon School & College”. EIIN and other information. So, first, we will type Dhaka to find the district card. Then click on it.


After that, type “Viqarunnisa Noon School & College” or your preferred institute name on the search box in the right corner.


Click on the link to get EIIN and other information about Viqarunnisa Noon School & College.


Having trouble getting EIIN of your University?

You can easily get the EIIN of your University by clicking this link.


After that, type your university name in the search box in the right corner.

Need information about other institutions like Polytechnic, Medical, Training?


You can get information about other institutions such as Polytechnic, Medical, and Training by visiting this link. Then click on your desired institution’s card to get the curated information.